Star South American News

2019 Star South American Championship Day 1

Today, Friday, November 15, the championship started. At 1 pm, the first regatta was launched. 21 Stars crossed the starting line. The day was warm and clear. The light northeast wind with intensities of 6 to 11 knots inflated the sails and all crews concentrated on giving their best effort. The race course was not easy and the current that under all day complicated things even more.

The two planned races were run. In both, the competitive and partner fleet gave no respite. Here mistakes cost… After this first day, two crews lead the competition with a total of 6 points. It is the Argentines Julio Labandeira and Julián Gazari Barroso of the Yacht Club Olivos and the North Americans Tomás Hornos and Pedro Trouche.

Very close and with only 7 points were located the Argentines Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre dupla rosarina with great knowledge of currents !!

The marker is open and everything can happen. The competition will have to be closely monitored so as not to miss the events of an event that promises.

Tomorrow Saturday will try to run two other races.